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Madrid. October 10th, 2021. 

Infinite Spur, Universidad La Salle Noroeste, Universidad de La Salle Bajío, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Puerto Rico y Universidad Rey Juan Carlos clausuran la entrega de premios de “Repensando el futuro”


Los galardones reconocen aquellos proyectos internacionales comprometidos con los ODS que ayudan a buscar soluciones creativas e innovadoras, a los retos a los que nos enfrentamos a nivel global.

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Madrid. Nov 5th, 2020. 

I International Conference on Fashion and Design


Last November 5th, we celebrated the First International Conference's closing ceremony on Fashion and Design, Crisis or Opportunity in COVID-19 times. The conference was organized by Infinite Spur, in collaboration with the Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico, the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Spain, Universidad de la Salle, Bajío and Universidad La Salle, Noroeste (Mexico), and the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru

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Madrid. May 6th, 2021. 

Humanities & Arts & ICT a Powerful Partnership for the Dissemination of the Cultural Heritage


In order to learn more about the huge success of the "Humanities & Arts & ICT a Powerful Partnership for the Dissemination of Cultural Heritage: the successful case study of the CINTER project (URJC) on The Heritage of Spanish Royal Sites" webinar of the past May 4th, we invite you to take a look at our press release about the event.

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