The Prado Museum is one of the most finest art museums in the world, as it is the national museum with the most impressive collection of European art. It brings together the works of some of the best representatives of the main European schools as well as many other works of art from other continents.
After the museum became part of the Property of the Nation in the 19th Century it changed its name to the one we know today Museo Nacional del Prado. Since then, the Madrid art museum experienced great growth due to contributions from the government but also from institutions, individuals and associations. Among the latter, perhaps the most well-known is Friends of the Prado Museum, a non-profit association that enables anyone to contribute to the conservation and growth of the heritage of the main Spanish national art museum.

American Friends of the Prado Museum
Friends of the Prado Museum is the best-known non-profit association to support the development of the museum, which also has a branch in the United States: American Friends of the Prado Museum.
Become a patron of art. This is what American Friends of the Prado Museum offers, an organization that envisions the conservation and protection of the valuable heritage housed within the Prado Museum.
The association can accomplish its mission thanks to the support of its members, who donate works of art in addition to making financial contributions. Among the many ways to participate in the organization is the possibility of bequeathing works to the museum as a bequest. The webpage facilitates all of the process so, when the time comes, the works of art can become part of the museum's heritage and legacy that will be preserved for many years to come. For many donors it is an honor to become part of the collection that brings together the best of art from the past into future.
The financial contributions received to support the Museum are allocated to different ends including the preservation of specific paintings, engravings or sculptures. Today, the Museum’s collection has approximately 30,000 pieces and the budget for preservation is infinite.
Advantages for American Friends of the Prado Museum members
Becoming a member of the American Friends of the Prado Museum is to become part of its history. The Spanish organization Friends of the Prado Museum began on the early 1980´s and ever since then has been growing. The proceeds contributed by the association are an important patronage for the museum, that enables it to continue growing and evolving, but its members also benefit from supporting the art museum. At the same time, the Association coordinates specific programs and events for all of its members.
To become a Friend is to become part of the museum, its history and mission. Some of the advantages not only include free admission to the museum and discounts at the museum store and cafeteria, there are also tax benefits for members residing in the United States of America. So, this is a very simple way to support one of the greatest Art Collections in the world and feel proud of it.
Preserving art from the past for the future
When the museum first opened its doors to the public, the objective was for as many people as possible to have the chance to enjoy some of Spain’s best works of pictorial art. The first collection was part of the Royal Collection, but over time, the number of works of art from various sources has been on the rise.
The space for exhibitions at the Prado Museum has also increased; in fact, the art museum has been extended several times to become a benchmark when it comes to exhibiting art, and to respond to new and innovative ways of enjoying, discovering and conserving art.
The Prado Museum is not just a place to admire paintings or sculptures, it is much more. It is a meeting point and a place of reflection, study and research for everything related to art from Spain , Europe and the rest of the world. Over the years, just as the collection has expanded, so have the ways in which the public can contribute to the growth of the art museum.
This year it is the 200th anniversary of the inauguration of the Prado Museum, and Infinite Spur wants to celebrate. Take a look at our course Museums & Art Collections in Spain. In this course you will learn to appreciate the value of the different Spanish museums and collections, but also the important and fascinating work that all of the museum administration does to preserve and exhibit and promote their works. Come to Spain, pay your personal tribute to the Prado Museum and learn about famous art collections, visit different sites, meet with museum administration personal, curators… and much more.