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Writer's picture: Infinite SpurInfinite Spur

On these dates, so close to the end of the year, from Infinite Spur we take stock of the progress of English for US, one of our specialized programs, and its evolution throughout 2022.

This 2022 has been a year of growth and development for Infinite Spur. The pandemic opened up new opportunities for us and led us to develop new virtual programs that we currently complement with the immersion experiences that began last January with the Fashion and Design trip. Next January we will receive new groups of students again and, with them, we will begin the programming for the year 2023, which is quite complete at the moment.

We want to close this year by making a special mention of English for US, our specialized program in teaching English for people with disabilities, and with this take the opportunity to thank and recognize all the people, universities and institutions that have supported us in their development and growth. After four years of filming and refining, we see how this initial pilot is becoming a strong, inclusive, and sustainable initiative that not only provides fun solutions that motivate special students but also opens new educational and professional opportunities and help to become citizens of the world.

This year we have met several of the objectives that we had set ourselves; We have started face-to-face classes that have proven to be a success, increased the number of students, expanded the age range of the participants, diversified the levels of English and we have reached a great diversity of cities, large and small, distributed throughout the country. Spanish. We are very happy to lay the foundations of our learning community throughout Spain.

We have taken a great important leap and, for this, we knew that a great organization and coordination of all the participating agents, students, associations, professors in the United States and our own team would be necessary. Luckily, as indicated by Dr. Walliser, director of the program, "surprisingly the adaptation has been very fluid and is allowing us great progress." Not only did we reach more students and further afield, but we have been able to make groups of students of different ages and levels. This situation is extraordinary and important, since it allows us to assess learning based on age, school experience, learning pace and also the environment (rural or urban) where the student resides, and with this to prepare future studies that help spread this activity. In addition, we have had the opportunity to learn to adapt our methodology to students with different educational needs and it has proven to be equally suitable for all, demonstrating its inclusive and flexible capacity.

This year we have also launched the English for US social networks with the aim of better connecting with students and facilitating the creation of an active community. On the networks we upload exercises, reviews that facilitate study, content on cultural traditions, recipes, games and contests, all kinds of materials that invite our followers to interact with us. Little by little, our Instagram has been growing and we trust that next year it will grow much more.

The collaboration with our international partners is consolidated and grows every year and we currently have more than 20 students from the Speech Pathology Department of the School of Education of Pennwest University in Pennsylvania. Our close collaboration has not only increased the number of participants in this activity, but has also been consolidated. In October, and for the first time after the pandemic, we had the opportunity to travel to the university to start developing a future student exchange. This visit allowed us to make a special report that we shared in class with our students in which their American teachers showed them their university.

We cannot finish this review without acknowledging and thanking the trust of our collaborating partners in Spain, the Prodis Foundation and COCEMFE, who have supported our initiative at all times without reservation and with conviction. Also to the schools and institutes that have opened their doors to us and to all the students who have studied with us. Thank you all, because, together, we will ensure that the learning of English adapted to people with different abilities becomes more frequent, rigorous and better, offering our students new educational and job opportunities that open doors to the world.

We can affirm that we close a year full of new experiences, growth and expansion of our programs. We have also shown that English for US is an affordable and sustainable program, open and accessible to all students regardless of their prior knowledge of the language, digital proficiency or where they live. But best of all, the students have a good time, enjoy talking with their American teachers, practice English and develop skills that complement their training. For all these reasons, we can say that we are proud of all the successes we have achieved this year.

We hope that 2022 has been as special a year for you, our readers, students, partners and collaborators as it has been for us and that your objectives and aspirations have also been met, opening the way for new ambitions and goals.


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