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The future of education. What will the classes be like after COVID-19.

Writer's picture: Infinite SpurInfinite Spur

Society never stops changing, and people never stop learning. This is the nature of society and, thus, of education constantly adapting to new changes, challenges, and technologies. Today, education around the world is going through a profound digital transformation that it is now at full speed partly because of the COVID-19 pandemic, but that it was already in on the way before this happened. Digital technologies and the internet are rapidly taking over more traditional teaching methodologies changing the dynamics of schools and universities around the world. Teachers are in the frontline of the transition and they face the challenge of having to adapt to new teaching tools, styles, and methodologies.

In today's blog, we will reflect on the future of education in a virtual environment, the challenges and opportunities derived from the new digital classrooms, and what may be the implications of the education system at large.

1-Teachers as facilitators of knowledge.

In this new digital context, teachers become facilitators of knowledge since they can no longer hold the knowledge and mastery of content as the internet does. Internet is a vast source of information and, it is hard for students to navigate through it and choose the right material. It is then that the role and expertise of the teacher become essential in teaching students how to critically discriminate the correct material that they need for class. New teaching methodologies, such as the "flipped classroom" open the door to a new dynamic in the classroom, where preparation takes place outside the classroom to fully devote class time to student work, active participation, and discussion.

Online Classes
Online Classes

Gamification is another teaching tool that is taking a key role in class and, it is very well received by students who are fond of using digital and virtual technologies as well as video games to learn. Although these methodologies may be a challenge for some educators there is no doubt, that they are the ones preferred by students since they make their learning experience interesting, dynamic, and effective.

2- Students are global and have greater access to information.

Today and in the future, we will see more inquisitive students with greater access to information from all over the world. Gen Z students want to be the protagonist of their education and, they seek, through their own learning process, ways to understand and seek effective solutions to problems in a global context. They also demand a practical approach to their education that will prepare them for their professional future.

According to César García, a professor at Washington State University, "students in the future will be even more rigorous in their education expectations, actively demanding a future return on their investment".

Spanish experts point out that school schedules are also going to change as they anticipate that the line between school and home is fading, giving way to a more flexible learning context when students can work at any time and any place. This situation is even more likely now with the integration of new digital tools in the classrooms.

Online classes
Technology and Education

3- Technology as a tool for student center teaching approach.

Thanks to many of the technical developments, we will soon be able to disregard the widespread teaching the same for all traditional perspectives from the analog classroom. Currently, the different technologies and tools allow us to offer a very personalized program that is completely adapted to each student and his/her needs. Among other things, technology will allow us to:

- Better way to organize teaching resources, more flexible, and according to different criteria.

- Offer content in different formats making it more attractive to students, interactive and promoting self-evaluation; teaching them while having fun.

- Learn from students' preferences and results, allowing us to track each student's learning process individually.

- Provide parents and students with personalized and concrete feedback to help them learn from their mistakes.

- Facilitate educators not only in their teaching activity but also in making strategic decisions for the class, the planning, advising, and support of the students.

In response to the current situation and the need to transform education, Infinite Spur offers a new concept of virtual training with an educational model based on the following pillars:

- Small private online groups

- Digital Tools

- Synchronous classes

- Groups of international students

- Virtual collaborative work

- Professional and cultural activities

If you want to know more, do not hesitate to visit our website, through the email or by visiting following us on our social networks.


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